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Trauma Responsive Care (Parts 1 & 2)

  • 9 Steps


TRC Part 1: Understanding the Mechanism: In this session, participants will cover the mechanism of trauma and its effects on developing brains and bodies. We will explore the core or root of possible damage that can come from early exposure to adversity and the behaviors that are often seen in association. Participants will explore the continuum of stress activation, the differences between positive, tolerable, and toxic stress, and the patterns created by continued exposure to toxic stress. Finally, we will work to identify potential symptoms of nervous system activation to set the foundation for part 2: how to help. TRC Part 2: In this second part of the two-part conversation, we will recap part 1 and move into “what to do about it,” when it comes to trauma. Part two is focused on prevention, early intervention, intervention, and recovery from activation. We will cover identifying reactive behaviors; Positive Youth Development as a prevention framework; restorative practices; protective factors; identifying self-soothing and regulating behaviors; what NOT to do when someone is escalated; what TO do when someone is escalated and how to prevent escalation; tools such as Mirror and Match and The Unicorn Game will be shared and demonstrated.

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