Introductory Consultation & Needs Assessment
Audience(s): ALL
Want to increase LGBTQIA+ inclusion and equity within your sector, but not sure where to start?
The Acadami can provide in-person or digital consultations for you and your team. A comprehensive needs assessment will be conducted via interview and/or site visit and suggested services will be recommended.
Contact us today to get moving together.
Equitable Policy Consultation
Audience(s): ALL
Law enforcement; businesses; non-profit; service providers; schools/districts/counselors; community partners; behavioral health; public health; foster agencies; outreach teams; youth advocates; etc..
This consultation service serves as a means to evaluate current and planned policy and implementation toward LGBTQIA+ inclusion and equity. If no policy is present, your Acadami Consultant will guide the process of policy writing utilizing suggested practices from State, Federal, and multiple Advocacy organizations, studies, and publications.
Optional, suggested service, post-policy creation: scheduling your consultant to provide a detailed explanation and implementation guide training for your team(s), inclusive of FAQs, projected hardships and how to address them proactively, and more.
Language, Awareness, Sensitivity
Audience(s): ALL
Law enforcement; businesses; non-profit; schools/districts/counselors; community partners; behavioral health; public health; foster agencies; outreach teams; youth advocates; etc..
This training covers LGBTQIA+ language and concepts such as biological/sex assigned at birth, gender identity, expression, and pronouns. Participants will have the opportunity to practice utilizing neutral pronouns, correcting mis-steps, and more.
Each workshop is uniquely designed for the sector, service, and audience based on an initial needs assessment.
(Please see our Testimonials page for Reviews on this training experience).
LGBTQIA+ & PREA Considerations
Audience(s): Law Enforcement
(STC Certified - 8 hour)
This training covers LGBTQIA+ language and concepts such as biological/sex assigned at birth, gender identity, expression, and pronouns. Participants will have the opportunity to practice utilizing neutral pronouns, correcting mis-steps, addressing inaccuracies, and more.
This workshop covers PREA statistics and history; policy requirements; suggested practices and more.
Each participant will practice doing a SOGIe questionnaire interview; using gender neutral pronouns; and working through scenarios applicable to working with LGBTQIA, specifically transgender individuals.
(Please see our Testimonials page for Reviews on this training experience).
Cultural Awareness, Diversity, & Bias
Audience(s): ALL
Law enforcement (4 hour - STC Certified); businesses; non-profit; schools/districts/counselors; community partners; behavioral health; public health; foster agencies; outreach teams; youth advocates; etc..
This course covers introductory understanding to bias; how to identify bias within yourself; and how to avoid associated behaviors in the workplace. This course will also cover unique considerations for working with marginalized populations such as LGBTQ (gender and sexual minorities) and racial and ethnic minorities.
Topics covered: implicit and explicit bias; micro-aggressions; stereotyping.
Trauma Responsive Care
a.k.a. (Trauma Informed Care)
Audience(s): ALL
Law enforcement (8 hour - STC Certified); businesses; non-profit; schools/districts/counselors; community partners; behavioral health; public health; foster agencies; outreach teams; youth advocates; etc..
This training covers trauma, its impacts on developing brains and behaviors; trauma informed care frameworks and suggested practices; resilience; secondary traumatic stress, compassion fatigue, transference; and self-care.
This training explores and explains how trauma impacts the people we work with as well as ourselves and how to address it from many angles including prevention.
Some main focuses of the training include identifying stress responses and responded in a trauma responsive way; identifying personal stress responses and identifying others to prevent incident; de-escalation; and more.
It is not enough to be informed, we must utilize that knowledge to impact our behaviors to truly create change. The mission of this workshop is for every participant to leave with more capacity for sustainable change in their respective fields.
(Please see our Testimonials page for Reviews on this training experience).
Self-Care & Wellness
Audience(s): ALL
Law enforcement (4 hour - STC Certified); businesses; non-profit; service providers; schools/districts/counselors; community partners; behavioral health; public health; foster agencies; outreach teams; youth advocates; etc..
How to "secure your own oxygen mask first"...
This workshop is ideal for service providers: law enforcement, medical, counselors, educators, mental health professionals, and more.
This workshop explores the concept of being trauma responsive to providers as well as clients. It is provided by a Certified Personal Trainer with Psychology, nutrition, and behavior change specialization.
Topics covered: Overall wellness (mind, body, spirit); nutrition in fast-paced jobs; sleep, stress, hormones and their connection to fat loss; movement tips; and more.
Helping LGBTQIA+ Youth Navigate Faith
Audience(s): Faith-based leaders/facilitators; youth advocates; community partners; LGBTQIA+ outreach folks; counselors; and teachers.
This workshop is specifically designed for folks working with LGBTQIA youth who are navigating the intersection of faith.
Historically, the relationship between Queer communities and those of Faith have been tattered. This workshop explores how Queer folks and communities of Faith can reconcile those relationships and heal together to create partnership.
Specifically, this workshops seeks to provide guidance, resources, reference and tools to remind young people that no matter who they are, Faith is for them too, and it can be a great support tool to their growth.
For faith-based service providers, this is a workshop to support reconciliation and working toward true equity in service.
Unpacking Intersectionality
Audience(s): ALL
Law enforcement; businesses; non-profit; service providers; schools/districts/counselors; community partners; behavioral health; public health; foster agencies; outreach teams; youth advocates; etc..
This workshop explores the concept of Intersectionality and many of its forms. It draws to the audience's demographics including region, immigration status, culture, and more to create an interactive experience for all involved.
The mission of this workshop is not just education, but appreciation and visibility to how populations can so quickly become marginalized and oppressed in our communities from multiple directions; and what we can all do to help that.
Custom Workshop(s)
Audience(s): ALL
Law businesses; non-profit; service providers; schools/districts/counselors; community partners; behavioral health; public health; foster agencies; outreach teams; youth advocates; etc..
The Acadami has a team of highly versatile speakers and trainers, capable of designed and provided many custom workshops and topics.
Submit your topic/training need to us via e-mail and if possible, we will design a workshop for you.
If we don't have the expertise needed or the ability to fill your need, we will connect you with someone who does!
For Schools
Compliance & Legislation
These workshops are uniquely designed to fulfill requirements and/or suggested training requirements for specific California Legislation such as AB 1266, AB 827, AB 2246, AB 1856, and AB 2153.
AB 1266 - Equal Opportunity & Access (Transgender Students, Bathrooms, and Sports Teams)
Ab 827 - Student Safety (LGBTQ)
AB 2246 - Suicide Prevention Mandate (LGBTQ)
AB 2153 - Teacher in Service LGBTQ Requirement
AB 1856 - Foster/Adoptive Agency & Parent Training (LGBTQ)
LGBTQ Awareness, General Language and Concepts
Suicide Prevention (LGBTQ Specific available)
Creating Gender Support Plans, Supporting LGBTQ Students
Professional Development & Capacity Building
Depending on need and initial assessment, The Acadami may provide any of the following professional development sessions for your business, agency, school/district, community group, faith-based leaders, and/or meeting sessions.
Topics could include:
Admin: Compassionate education for change
How to get resistant folks on board to support LGBTQ folks​
District: Increasing capacity for diversity within your staff
How to create a LGBTQ affirming & inviting employer, work space​
Counselors: Helping students & families navigate Queer identities and faith
Increasing capacity to work with LGBTQ students and families
LGBTQ Language & Concepts (101)
Trends within LGBTQ Youth
Suicide​, self-harm
And how to address them appropriately
Helping families find resources and support for their LGBTQ youth
Bullying Prevention
Suicide Prevention
and more! Contact Us!
One on One or Small Group Consultation
One on One Consultations will be provided only after initial assessments by Specialist to determine need and appropriate Acadami representative.
Offered via phone, Zoom, or in person:
Gender Support Planning for Students ​
Policy Drafting, Suggested Practice
SOGIe Data Collection Guidance
Private/Family Consultation, navigating LGBTQ identities
Private Guidance for Counselors/Administration, Supporting LGBTQ Students and Families
Private Guidance on Navigating LGBTQ Identities and Faith; Queer Spirituality
GSA Club Capacity Building:
Inspiring Students​
How to create a sustainable group​
Impact Ideas
How to make a positive impact on campus ​
Advisor Training
How to empower students to keep momentum from year to year ​
Law Enforcement
Law Enforcement Trauma Informed Care
Trauma Informed Care – 8 Hour (Sworn)
Adverse Childhood Experiences​
Trauma and the brain
Trauma-based behaviors
Reacting V. Responding
Secondary Trauma
Compassion Fatigue
Law Enforcement LGBTQ/PREA
LGBTQ Awareness, Sensitivity, Inclusion – 4 Hour (Non-Sworn)
Respectful conversation/interaction
Personal/Professional bias
LGBTQ/PREA – 8 Hour (Sworn)
Respectful conversation/interaction
Personal/Professional bias
PREA background & guidelines
Suggested Practices
Policy, Procedure
Sexual Orientation Gender Identity Data
More Acadami Specialties
Training for Community Meetings

LGBTQ Language & Concepts Overview (101)
Unique Considerations - Working with LGBTQ Populations
Unique Considerations of LGBTQ CSEC Survivors
Commercially Sexually Exploited Children
Unique Tactics of Abusers & Traffickers
Intimate Partner Violence
Trauma Informed Care
Positive Youth Development
Adverse Childhood Experiences
Toxic Stress
"Stash Stuff" - How your kids are hiding things (drugs) from you.​​
and more! Contact us.
Training for Foster/Adoptive Agencies
AB 1856 - Foster/Adoptive Agency & Parent Training (LGBTQ)
LGBTQ Awareness (101)
Language ​
Unique Considerations for LGBTQ Youth in Care
Unique experiences leading to system involvement ​​
Barriers to service
Unique experiences while in care
Targeted bullying/harassment
Distrust of providers
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